A Direct Pay
Provider Network, LLC

Things You Need to Know About Work Injury Rehabilitation

Things You Need to Know About Work Injury Rehabilitation

Workplace accidents and injuries are not uncommon in the U.S. In fact they happen every single day. In 2019, the amount of money lost due to work injuries was $171.0 billion. Most employees may be involved in similar workplace accidents but for sure each of them will have a unique set of circumstances and recovery timelines. To […]

What You Need to Know About Occupational Diseases and Workers’ Compensation

Occupational Diseases and Workers Compensation

Whenever a topic about workers’ compensation is raised, many people almost always associate it with benefits employees receive as a result of injuries sustained from work-related accidents. While it is true, not really all work-related injuries are caused by accidents. Many of these are a result of occupational diseases. According to the U.S. Bureau of […]

Workers’ Compensation: 3 Things You Need To Know If You Have A Retail Business

Things You Need To Know If You Have A Retail Business

The retail industry is one of the core engines that drive the American economy, making up 19 percent of the country’s GDP, at 3.9 trillion USD annually, according to this (NRF) National Retail Federation report.  And the lifeblood of this sector is its employees who provide services and goods to customers.  Their jobs mostly consist of […]