The Role Injured Employees Must Play in Workers’ Comp Cost Containment

As employers, we tend to believe that the responsibility to do workers’ comp cost containment lies solely on our shoulders. While it is our obligation to design the program, there is another party that should take a share of this responsibility to make the program work effectively. According to the National Safety Council, the average cost for all […]
Embarking on a New Job While Receiving Workers’ Comp Benefits – Is it Legal?

This article is intended to give injured employees some enlightenment about workers’ compensation benefits. Many employees who suffer from work-related injury consider looking for a new job or career for certain reasons. As a matter of fact, there are instances when an injured employee wants to take a new job because he wants to work […]
Understanding Mental Health in Workers’ Compensation

There is an extremely thin line that separates workers’ compensation and mental health. While both employers and insurers strive to reject mental health conditions as part of workers’ compensation coverage, claims for treatment due to work-related stress is increasing. Working with an experienced workers compensation provider network may help to get a proper psychiatric or psychological evaluation […]
How Workers’ Compensation Changed During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic had a huge impact on many U.S workers. The outbreak of the virus left many people without jobs, and those that were still working either had to take time off or work from home. While many states are beginning to reopen, uncertainty remains a significant concern especially if workers can now actually […]
How Are Workers’ Compensation Benefits Paid?

Illnesses or accidents in the workplace are situations that employers try so hard to prevent, and it’s a nightmare experience when they do happen. The problem doesn’t end there, though. After the incident, employers then have to deal with the complex process of workers’ compensation, which could be overwhelming at times. When handling workers’ […]
What You Need to Know About Occupational Diseases and Workers’ Compensation

Whenever a topic about workers’ compensation is raised, many people almost always associate it with benefits employees receive as a result of injuries sustained from work-related accidents. While it is true, not really all work-related injuries are caused by accidents. Many of these are a result of occupational diseases. According to the U.S. Bureau of […]
Handling Workplace Injury: An Employer’s Quick Guide to the Workers’ Comp Process
As an employer, your employees’ safety is one of your top concerns, and creating a safe workplace is certainly a major component of your investment. It is necessary because you have a business to protect and basically because it is required by law. As a company, you are obliged to comply with government safety standards. But […]
Workers’ Compensation: 3 Things You Need To Know If You Have A Retail Business

The retail industry is one of the core engines that drive the American economy, making up 19 percent of the country’s GDP, at 3.9 trillion USD annually, according to this (NRF) National Retail Federation report. And the lifeblood of this sector is its employees who provide services and goods to customers. Their jobs mostly consist of […]