From The BLOG

Why Early Intervention is Crucial in Work-Related Injuries

Worker in a warehouse with a hardhat and orange vest on clutching his back in pain.

At Direct PT/DX, we often work with employers seeking diagnostic evaluations and physical therapy for injured employees. From pain management and recovery to cost savings and optimized productivity, we have seen time and time again that addressing work-related injuries early can help both employees and businesses in the long term. Here are some reasons why we encourage and help our clients to get their injured workers the help they need quickly and efficiently. 

Fast Recovery: According to a 2020 study done by the Workers’ Compensation Institute, getting physical therapy for lower back pain (LBP) within 14 days of injury leads to a faster recovery. LBP is a common side effect of work-related injuries, but early intervention is also helpful in providing employees with a swift recovery for other injuries, like broken bones, neck pain, etc. 

Pain Relief & Management: Physical therapists start by assessing a patient’s pain and what’s causing it. From there, they create a treatment plan that will help to mitigate and hopefully relieve that pain. They will educate injured employees on exercises they can do at home and after their workers’ comp period has ended so that they are able to return to work pain-free. 

Reintegration: The treatment plans mentioned above focus not just on pain relief but also on work-specific movements and activities. The sooner a patient is able to regain strength and relearn the movements needed to get their job done, the sooner they will be able to safely return to work.

Reduce Cost: Early diagnostics and physical therapy have been proven to lower healthcare costs by preventing invasive treatments, unnecessary tests and lost income as well as time away from the office. 

Find out if you’re spending too much on workers’ compensation.

Company Morale: When other employees are out of the office, other team members often have to pick up the slack, especially when someone is gone for an extended period of time due to a work-related injury. Helping to get your injured employee back to the office quickly can help ensure that other members of your team don’t get burnt out, leading to decreased productivity and unhappiness in the workplace.

Employers are responsible for the medical treatment and rehabilitation of injured employees, all of which can be time-consuming, disallowing your HR team from mitigating other issues in the workplace. Make it easier for yourself by hiring Direct PT/DX. We employ people who are extremely knowledgeable of the intricacies involved with the medical and insurance industries to handle these complex cases.

Contact Direct PT/DX today! (866) 214-5920 |

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